
Get Up to Speed on Hours of Service FAST!


Are you a commercial driver looking to comply with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations? Then, you've come to the right place! HOS limit how long you can drive, and it's crucial to understand and follow the rules for the safety of all road users.

Get Up to Speed on Hours of Service FAST!

In this guide, we'll give you the rundown of everything you need to know about HOS and what you can do to stay in compliance. Here are the four primary clocks that you need to be aware of:

  1. 8-hour clock: Take a 30-minute break within the first eight hours of work.
  2. 11-hour clock: Limits your daily driving time.
  3. 14-hour clock: Limits the total number of hours you can work daily.
  4. 70-hour clock: Limits the number of hours you can work in a week without requiring a 34-hour reset.

It's important to note that taking a break within the first eight hours resets the 8-hour clock, but you'll still need another break later. And, be sure to wait 10-15 seconds after changing your duty status to ensure accurate log recording.

You need to be aware of two other duty statuses: On Duty Not Driving (OND) and Personal Conveyance (PC). OND is used when driving around a parking lot or customer facility, while PC is for personal errands like grocery shopping or showering. However, remember that PC can only be used for personal reasons, not to advance the load or benefit the carrier financially. If you have any questions about PC, don't hesitate to contact your carrier's safety department.

In conclusion, HOS regulations are essential for every commercial driver to follow. Although they may not always align with personal opinions, they are in place for everyone's safety. So stay informed, stay compliant, and drive safely!

If you need more details, listen to the experts on our YouTube video called The Basics of Hours of Service     --->HERE


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