
Safety Tips for Making Right Turns in Tractor Trailers


Mastering the art of making right turns can put our skills to the test. Frequently, we encounter situations where we must navigate a right turn onto a two-lane road with approaching vehicles and narrow lanes. Executing a safe right turn requires the proper utilization of turn signals and vehicle positioning. In addition, we must strike a balance by positioning ourselves slightly to the left within our lane, providing sufficient space for off-tracking while avoiding the risk of vehicles attempting to pass on the right or causing the trailer to swing excessively toward our driver's side.

Additionally, patience becomes crucial as we patiently wait for any oncoming traffic to clear. Once the way is clear, we should double-check our mirrors and adjust our truck's alignment, if necessary, by moving further into the oncoming lane; this ensures that our trailer safely maneuvers around the curb without any chance of colliding. Keeping a close eye on our trailer's tandems is essential to ensure they follow the path around the curb and avoid mounting the sidewalk. We can maintain a smooth and accident-free journey by paying extra attention to these details during right turns.

Safety Tips for Making Right Turns in Tractor Trailers

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