
Trucking With Your Cell Phone: Do's and Dont's


Want to be safe when using your cell phone on the road? Then you NEED to know these cell phone DO’s & DON'TS! 

Trucking With Your Cell Phone: Do's and Dont's

Don't: Miss your turn and immediately reach for your phone to check your navigation.
✅Do: Find a safe place to pull over, check your navigation or atlas, and find a new trip plan so you can get safely to your destination!
Note: Safely parked means off the roadway, four ways on, not while sitting at a stoplight or stop sign. Hand-held devices are still off-limits in those areas.
❌Don't: Answer a call without a hands-free device. It is NOT ok to grab your phone or take a hand-held phone call while driving.
✅Do: Answer a call using a hands-free device or a single touch. This is how to safely make a phone call while driving a commercial motor vehicle.

The only acceptable time you can have your phone or another device in your hand while driving is to make an emergency call. We thank you for your commitment to safety on the road.


Want to hear the experts talk about cell phone usage in trucks? Watch our YouTube video by clicking this link  ------ > Cell Phone Dos and Don'ts for Trucks Drivers.

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